Wednesday Writing Project (A Great Adventure…)

From Julia Cameron’s The Sound of Paper: Starting from Scratch:

Try this: Adventure is good for the soul.  We know this, and yet we seldom allow our soul sufficient adventure.  A weekly one-hour Artist Date, a solo, festive expedition undertaken just for ourselves, helps to restore our creative self.  A longer and larger Artist Date, a real adventure, brings to the soul a sense of joy and well-being.  Take pen in hand.  Number from 1 to 10.  Finish the following phrase as rapidly as possible:

  1. A great adventure I’d love to have is to drive the entire length of I-90 (Seattle to Boston) and see the country in between those two cities (and see friends along the way).
  2. A great adventure I’d love to have is to take a trip up to the San Juan islands and go whale watching on a boat.
  3. A great adventure I’d love to have is to explore the remaining parts of my home state that I have not visited.
  4. A great adventure I’d love to have is to go wine tasting at nearby vineyards.
  5. A great adventure I’d love to have is to try all 160 beers that are on tap at a local restaurant (though certainly not all at once!).
  6. A great adventure I’d love to have is to ride the new light rail line down to the airport, just to people watch.
  7. A great adventure I’d love to have is to take a cruise down to Antarctica.
  8. A great adventure I’d love to have is to hike the entire Hoh Rainforest trail.
  9. A great adventure I’d love to have is to bike the entire Centennial Trail in my hometown (I’d need to get a bike first!).
  10. A great adventure I’d love to have is to create a really cool custom lego model (this is just the kid in me speaking, of course!).

Scan your list.Select the adventure that sounds the most delectable to you. Devise one small step you can take toward having that adventure.  Take that step.

Traveling mercies,

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